A "no-code" (yet extensible) Azure API Performance benchmarking tool (for Developers) based on App-Insights (request-duration) - with multiple output-formats and customizations

💡 If App-Insights is configured, the durations are taken from Request-logs; else, from local timestamps


 # Install from nuget.org
 dotnet tool install -g perfx --no-cache

 # Upgrade to latest version from nuget.org
 dotnet tool update -g perfx --no-cache

 # Install a specific version from nuget.org
 dotnet tool install -g perfx --version 1.0.x

 # Uninstall
 dotnet tool uninstall -g perfx

🔰 If you don't have .NET Core 3.1 installed, download and install it.

🔰 If the Tool is not accessible post installation, add %USERPROFILE%\.dotnet\tools to the PATH env-var.


Populate the following JSON and save it to your Documents/Perfx folder with the name: Perfx.Settings.json (or something like MyApp1.Settings.json)

   "Tenant": "YOUR_COMPANY_NAME",
   "UserId": "",
   "Password": "",
   "ClientId": "",
   "ClientSecret": "",
   "ResourceUrl": "",
   "ReplyUrl": "",
   "ApiScopes": [
   "FormatArgs": {
     "api": "https://YOUR-{env}-API.COM"
   "Endpoints": [
  "ResponseTimeSla": 5,
  "ResponseSizeSla": 200,
  "Iterations": 5,
  "OutputFormats": [
  "AppInsightsAppId": "",
  "AppInsightsApiKey": "",
  "ReadResponseHeadersOnly": false,
  "InputsFile": "Perfx_Inputs.xlsx",
  "PluginClassName": null
QuiteMode bool Just run (based on the information specified in the Settings file) and exit!
Used in case of DevOps/CI pipelines
Tenant string Azure Tenant Name/ID
Used in case of User-Creds / Client-Creds authentication
UserId string Azure AD User-ID
Used in case of User-Creds silent-authentication only
Password string Azure AD Password
Used in case of User-Creds silent-authentication only
ClientId string Azure AD Application/Client ID
Used in case of User-Creds / Client-Creds authentication
ClientSecret string Azure AD Application/Client Secret
Used in case of Client-Creds authentication only
ResourceUrl string Azure AD Application Resource Url
Used in case of User-Creds / Client-Creds authentication
ReplyUrl string Azure AD Application Reply/Redirect Url
Used in case of User-Creds interactive-authentication only
ApiScopes string[] Azure AD API Scopes
Used in case of User-Creds / Client-Creds authentication
FormatArgs string-object pairs Macros to be replaced in the Endpoints
Endpoints string[] URLs to test
To override the default ResponseTimeSla/ResponseSizeSla prefix the endpoint with expected-duration-sla-in-seconds|expected-size-sla-in-kilo-bytes::
e.g. 2.5::https://my-api/...
(where 2.5 seconds is the expected SLA for the specific endpoint)
e.g. 2.5|200::https://my-api/...
(where 2.5 seconds is the expected duration SLA and 200 Kb is the expected size SLA for the specific endpoint)
AppInsightsAppId string Azure Application Insights App-ID to fetch the request-duration-logs from
AppInsightsApiKey string Azure Application Insights API-Key to fetch the request-duration-logs from
Iterations int # of iterations to run for each Endpoint 5
OutputFormats string[] The output formats in which the results would be saved
Values: Excel / Csv / Json / Sql
To provide the conn-strings or custom output-file-names, suffix it with ::conn-string
e.g. Sql::Data Source=(localdb)... or Excel::My_Run_Results.xlsx
ResponseTimeSla float The expected response-time SLA in seconds (generic for all Endpoints) 5
ResponseSizeSla float The expected response-size SLA in Kb (generic for all Endpoints) 200
ReadResponseHeadersOnly bool Specifies if the HttpClient should assume completion as soon as a response is available and headers are read (content is not read yet) false
InputsFile string File (under 'Documents/Perfx' folder) containing additional information for each of the Endpoints Perfx_Inputs.xlsx
PluginClassName string One of the classes that implements IPlugin interface (only used when there are multiple implementations in the dlls placed under 'Documents/Perfx/Plugins' folder)
Order of Authentication:
  • If Tenant is null or empty > No Authentication
  • If Password is provided > Silent User-credentials authentication flow
    AcquireTokenByUsernamePassword(scopes, username, password)
  • If ClientSecret is provided > Client-credentials authentication flow
    AcquireTokenAsync(resource, clientCredential)
  • If ReplyUrl is provided > Interactive User-credentials authentication flow
    AcquireTokenAsync(resource, clientId, redirectUri, parameters)


You can (optionally) populate the following JSON and save it to your 'Documents/Perfx' folder with the name: Perfx.Logging.json

   "Logging": {
      "LogLevel": {
        "Default": "Warning"
       "Console": {
        "IncludeScopes": true,
        "LogLevel": {
         "Default": "Warning"
     "Debug": {
       "LogLevel": {
         "Default": "Information"
"System.Net.Http.HttpClient": "Information"


Additional details (e.g. http-method (defaults to GET) / headers / body / query-params) for the Endpoints defined the Perfx.Settings.json (default) under Documents/Perfx can be provided in Perfx_Inputs.xlsx under the same folder (or using the Plugin model outlined below)

By default, if an entry/row for an Endpoint exists in Perfx_Inputs.xlsx, the corresponding row-index of that entry is considered for the specific iteration. If the number of entries/rows for an Endpoint do not match up with the number of iterations, the first entry is taken into consideration for the subsequent iterations


Results are saved to your Documents/Perfx with the name of the input settings JSON file (default is Perfx.Settings.json).
e.g. Perfx_Results.xlsx / Perfx_Results.csv & Perfx_Stats.csv / Perfx_Results.json & Perfx_Stats.json / [dbo.][Perfx_Results] & [dbo].[Perfx_Stats] Sql tables (depending on the specified OutputFormat in the settings file


 perfx [MyApp1.Settings.json]

  • If the specified path or the current-dir contains a valid Settings file, the tool uses/creates the Perfx folder under that path (for processing inputs/outputs); else, it falls back to the Perfx folder under My Documents
  • If no argument is supplied, Perfx.Settings.json is used as input by default
  • Set QuiteMode to true in the Settings file to run once and exit (e.g. DevOps Pipelines)

  • Enter r:10 to run the benchmarks (10 times)
  • Enter s to print the stats/details for the previous run
  • Enter l:1h:10 to fetch app-insights request-duration logs for the previous run (in the last 1 hour with 10 retries)
  • Enter c to clear the console
  • Enter q to quit
  • Enter ? to print this help
                    dotnet tool install -g perfx
The exit-code / %errorlevel% of the app will be equal to the count of results that match the following criteria:
90th-percentile of requests > response-time-sla (OR)
max-response-size > response-size-sla (OR)
status-codes other than 200 > 1%


Plugins are useful to override the default behavior (Authentication / Endpoint details / Read / Save)

  • Create a .NET Standard project and add reference to Prefx.Core project
  • Add a class that implements IPlugin interface (which in turn implements IOutput interface)
     public Task IPlugin.GetAuthToken(Settings settings)
         // NOTE: By default Perfx uses IPublicClientApplication's AcquireTokenSilent/AcquireTokenByUsernamePassword/AcquireTokenAsync (see 'Order of Authentication' note in the docs)
         // If you want to override that behavior and provide a custom implementation, go ahead...
         // If not, throw NotImplementedException or NotSupportedException, to trigger the default implementation
         var userId = settings.UserId;
         var pwd = settings.Password;
         // Get more settings as required...
         return Task.FromResult("someToken1");
     public Task> IPlugin.GetEndpointDetails(Settings settings)
         // NOTE: By default Perfx uses Documents/Perfx/Perfx_Inputs.xlsx
         // If you want to override that behavior and provide a custom implementation, go ahead...
         // If not, throw NotImplementedException or NotSupportedException, to trigger the default implementation
         var endpointDetails = new List();
         foreach (var endpoint in settings.Endpoints.Select((e, i) => (url: e, index: i)))
             if (endpoint.url.Contains("odata"))
                 // Do whatever - based on the endpoint
                 endpointDetails.Add(new Endpoint { Method = HttpMethod.Get.ToString(), Query = "?$top=10" });
             else if (endpoint.url.EndsWith("route1"))
                 // Do whatever - based on the endpoint
                 endpointDetails.Add(new Endpoint { Method = HttpMethod.Get.ToString(), Query = "/1" });
         return Task.FromResult(endpointDetails);
    public Task IOutput.Save(IEnumerable results, Settings settings)
        //  If you want to override that behavior and provide a custom implementation, go ahead...
        //  If not, throw NotImplementedException or NotSupportedException, to trigger the default implementation
        // Do something and return true
        return Task.FromResult(false);
    public Task> IOutput.Read(Settings settings)
        //  If you want to override that behavior and provide a custom implementation, go ahead...
        //  If not, throw NotImplementedException or NotSupportedException, to trigger the default implementation
        // Do and return something
        return Task.FromResult(default(IList));
  • Update the csproj file as follows:
     <ProjectReference Include="Perfx.Core.csproj">
  • Build the project and copy the build-output to Documents/Perfx/Plugins folder (Documents can be some other base-folder depending on your usage)
  • Optionally, if you have multiple IPlugin implementations, you can also update the value of PluginClassName with the specific implementation-class-full-name (e.g. MyPluginAssembly.MyPlugin1)
Sample: Perfx.SamplePlugin